Historical Critical Commentary on the Ernst Thälmann Monument

Ernst Thälmann Monument and Park since 1990

After the Peaceful Revolution, a public debate lasting several years began about the name of the residential area and dealing with the Ernst Thälmann Monument. The discussions reflected the different points of view regarding the German Democratic Republic (GDR). Positions ranged from immediate demolition of the monument to its use as a place of learning.

The Thälmann monument has been painted repeatedly with graffiti since the 1990s.
The Thälmann monument has been painted repeatedly with graffiti since the 1990s. In 1995, local residents protested against its progressive decay and painted the words “incarcerated - murdered - daubed“ on it. Since then, cleaning and sprayer activities have alternated.
Museum Pankow

In May 1993, the Prenzlauer Berg district assembly (Bezirksverordnetenversammlung) decided to dismantle the monument. The demolition was not implemented due to a lack of financial resources. In 1995, the monument was listed as a historical monument. In 1997, most of the residents of Prenzlauer Berg voted to keep the name “Ernst-Thälmann-Park“.

Poster for the memorial conference “‘Thälmann, and Thälmann first of all, Germany‘s immortal son...? On dealing with a controversial monument” in 1993, designed by Wolf Leo.
Poster for the memorial conference “‘Thälmann, and Thälmann first of all, Germany‘s immortal son...? On dealing with a controversial monument” in 1993, designed by Wolf Leo. The conference provided important stimuli for reflection on Ernst Thälmann‘s biography and his social significance in the GDR, and for developing alternative proposals for the future of the monument. One month earlier, the Prenzlauer Berg district assembly had decided to demolish the monument.
Museum Pankow

In the 1990s, the park and the monument were neglected. In the meantime, the residential area became a meeting place for right-wing youths, and the Thälmann monument was daubed repeatedly with Nazi slogans.

On 7 December 2012, the residents‘ initiative Ernst Thälmann Park (AI Thälmannpark) was founded.
On 7 December 2012, the residents‘ initiative Ernst Thälmann Park (AI Thälmannpark) was founded. It campaigns for the preservation of the listed area, the concerns of the tenants, and the maintenance of the green space.
AI Thälmannpark

In 2014, the building ensemble Ernst-Thälmann-Park was listed as an historical monument. A residents‘ initiative has been campaigning for the park and the monument since the end of 2012.

Public colloquium to prepare the artistic commentary, 2018
Public colloquium to prepare the artistic commentary, 2018. In 2019, the district office launched the nationwide competition “Artistic Commentary on the Ernst Thälmann Monument“, for which 110 contributions were submitted. The participatory procedure, as well as the artistic approach were new in relation to commentary on historical GDR monuments.
Galerie Pankow, Photo: Gerhard Zwickert

In 2019, the Pankow district office launched the competition “Artistic commentary on the Ernst Thälmann Monument“. The project “THINKING FROM THE PEDESTAL“ by Betina Kuntzsch was selected from 110 applications and realised in 2021.